
Knowledge of Truth

Knowledge of Truth
The muddled mentality that mistakes the unreal for the Real
is the genesis of woeful births.
For those of undimmed perception, free from delusion,
darkness departs and rapture rushes in.
Heaven is nearer than Earth for those who
dispel all doubt and know the Truth.
All knowledge acquired through the five senses is worthless
to those without knowledge of Truth.
In everything of every kind whatsoever,
wisdom perceives Truth in that thing.
Those who find the highest Reality here and now
follow a path which never comes back to this world.
Having thought profoundly and realized fully That which is,
one need never think of being born again.
Wisdom is that rare realization of Perfection’s True Being ,
which banishes forever the folly of rebirth.
He who clings to life’s true support clings not to lesser things.
Sorrows, which destroy by clinging, no longer cling to him.
Desire, delusion and indignation —annihilation of these
three terms is the termination of torment .


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